
Mind and Body Peace Accords

Jan Marshall

“Lightening Up With Jan”

Resident Jan Marshall is a Humorologist, award-winning author, and humor columnist for adults and aspirational books for children.


By Jan Marshall

After several failed attempts to look svelte all year, I held my own peace treaty talks. 

Pressuring myself to get in shape never worked since my mind and body were never on the same plate.

I was fed up.  Time for a truce.

I recorded it. 

MIND: Well Bod, this is historical. For the first time we are involved in peaceful negotiations toward a just and lasting thinness.

BODY: Yes, we always had the same objective.  It was the method that caused those belly skirmishes.

MIND:I agree. I’d like you to know I acknowledge your right to exist (although I question the amount of territory you cover).

BODY: My right to exist?  WOW!

MIND: Don’t get hostile. 

BODY: I’m not hostile. I don’t need your permission to exist. I just do. That’s that. Lets get back to the bargaining table which is in the kitchen. Want dessert?

MIND: NO!! What are you willing to give up in order to gain results?

BODY: NEVER use the word gain in my presence.  If we agree I’ll give up the peanut butter on my Sara-Tommy Lee Pounds of Cake. And you?

MIND: I won’t say you’re bad when you finish your grandkids’ food during Grandparents Day at Heritage Pointe considering they are not your grandkids or even at your table.

BODY:  Good. The more you yelled, the worse I felt, and the worse I felt, the more I ate.  I am convinced you are sincere in your wish to reach a lasting “svelteness”.  Good. Let’s celebrate and order pizza.

MIND: How can you talk about pizza now when you are still stuffed from lunch down in the dining room?

BODY:  Okay, forget the pizza. How about spaghetti?

MIND; Spaghetti is out of the question.

BODY: Just one bowl eaten while I jog??

MIND:  No!! Spaghetti can’t be acceptable. 

BODY: I will never, give up spaghetti. If you accept my pasta position, I will adhere to other conditions.

MIND: You must give up spaghetti and that is that!

BODY: Never!!

MIND: No more negotiations.

BODY: Please!  How about a couple of scoops of pecan ice cream?

MIND:  Are you nuts?

BODY: Don’t holler. How about just one scoop.

MIND: Ah!… Okay, if it’s with a dollop of whipped cream, you have a deal!!



Jan Marshall

[email protected]
